01: Preparing for the voyage
We got married!

We got married!

It was a breezy Saturday evening around Tom and Melisa’s fire circle on their back patio. We were having dinner and drinks and decided it was the perfect time to tell our friends of our plans to get married this summer! Upon sharing the good news and everyone checking the calendar app on their iPhones, it was quickly determined that June 7th (the following Saturday) would be the only day this summer that everyone could be available. So we set the date for our wedding one week out, invited our closest friends via text that same night, and called our families the next day to share the good  news.

The following Saturday, I married my best friend, my faithful partner and my one true love at the Chamberlain Cabin up in the Cimarron Mountains. Brother Alan showed up around 9:30pm (after driving from Denver that afternoon) and married us by tiki torch-light. It was short, sweet, and perfect. We ate hobo meals, drank wine, and celebrated with our closest friends. We would have loved our families to be there but we are hoping that they will save their money and join us for a more extended vacation on the boat instead 🙂



Brother Alan


Eating hobos and waiting on Brother Alan – we can’t wait!!


The ceremony


LOVE these – such an awesome idea of Dan’s!


Group shot


2 thoughts on “We got married!

    • Author gravatar

      Incroyable ! fantastique!!!
      on est très heureux et pas du tout surpris.
      Vous voilà prêts à affronter vents et marées , tempêtes et mers calmes.
      on pourra accrocher notre kayak Ă  l’arrière de votre voilier?
      belle aventure Ă  vous 2 !

    • Author gravatar

      Merci Lola et Gaga!
      Vous êtes très gentils! Stephane et moi, nous sommes très très excitées de commencer de nos aventures de voilier! Je pense que nous pouvons faire n’importe quoi parce que nous le ferons ensemble.

      Bien sur – vous pourrez accrocher votre kayak a l’arrière de notre voilier! Mais encore mieux, il faut que vous resterez dans le voilier – il y a assez de place pour vous trois.

      J’ai hate de vous rencontrer. Je travaille mon français alors Je peux dire plus que juste “bonjour” 🙂


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