Dodging Cruise Ships

The sun sets, pink and pissed behind us as we motor out of the Lake Worth inlet leaving West Palm Beach behind. We head south almost immediately, hugging the coast; the Gulf Stream runs quite close to Florida in these parts and we want to steer clear of it. Wondering about the Gulf Stream? It’s this crazy current that runs around/through the […]

Velcro Beach

We’ve heard talk of this place from the very beginning of our journey. Velcro Beach: a mythical land where hot showers never run cold, trash is easy to dispose of, buses run frequently and are easily accessible; locals stop on the side of the road to offer you a ride to the grocery store and wine flows from the drinking fountains between the […]

Mal de Mer

Gone are the days of the soft, electronic chime of my iPhone gently waking me for the day; my new alarm clock is gritty, mechanical, and loud: it’s the windlass. And right now it’s grinding and whirring as it spins, collecting our anchor chain: it’s time to go. Stéphane cannot wait to test out Super Mark and it’s time to […]

Mark 2.0

We are up early on Thanksgiving morning, pulling anchor, hailing the drawbridge to confirm their 7am opening, and hailing the St. Augustine Marina to secure a spot on their dock for fuel and pump-out. Fully fueled and pumped-out, we make our way down the ICW for Daytona Beach and our new autopilot – Mark 2.0, or Super Mark: he is […]

Provisioning @ St. Augustine

We’ve heard stories of people taking a bus ten miles to a Walmart, buying food and supplies for many months, having to catch a cab back then shlepping bag upon bag of groceries from street to dock to dinghy to boat. That’s a lot going on. So when we found the St. Augustine Town Dock – free for a day […]

St. Augustine

Stéphane and I have been told if there’s one place in Florida worth seeing it’s St. Augustine. And after spending a week in Jacksonville, a place definitely not worth seeing (but thank you very much for the free dock), we felt we owed it to ourselves and to Florida to explore one of its more authentic, historic towns. We arrived in […]

To Mooring Ball or Not To Mooring Ball?

Since we are only headed a short ways south of Jacksonville, we take this stretch on the Intracoastal. Destination: St. Augustine.   The Intracoastal Waterway (or ICW) runs from Norfolk, VA to Key West, Florida. And then there’s another section of it that runs along the Gulf Coast. The plus to taking the ICW is that you can avoid sailing out in the […]

Logistics in Jacksonville

Still waiting on laptop to be fixed so no pics for this post (boo! We all know pictures are more fun than a bunch of words)… Alas, here we go: I awaken to the mechanical groan of our windlass as it winds our anchor chain up and out of the water and into Free Range’s anchor locker. It’s early but […]

Cumberland Island

After sailing most of the morning along the ICW, we motored the last ten minutes to Cumberland Island, GA and the most beautiful, peaceful anchorage yet. This place, it’s like a ghost story waiting to happen. Live oaks, twisted and gnarled, shaggy in their Spanish moss, loom ominous over narrow tracts of sandy beach. Plenty of space to maneuver and […]

Death of an Auto Pilot

We check the weather. We check it again. We check it on multiple websites and apps to be sure. We REALLY want to sail on this next passage! The weather calls for wind 15-20 knots, seas 4-7 feet for several days. This means we can sail! We wait until ten o’clock in the morning to leave Charleston so we can […]

Charleston, SC

Charleston is an historic, unique, funky, fun town – at least the part of that was in walking distance for us. From our anchorage, a three-minute dinghy ride got us to the dinghy dock and then a mile walk to the Charleston downtown and groceries, hardware store, library, etc.   A lot of the streets are cobblestone and the homes […]

The Logemanns Visit!

Sarah Logemann, my very best good friend from middle and high school (and twenties and thirties and onwards), came to visit Stephane and I in Charleston with her awesome husband Adam and their three super fun and frisky children Laurel, Addison, and Henry. I haven’t seen Sarah and Adam in probably ten years! Their daughter Laurel was the first baby […]

A Week in Wrighstville Beach

It’s been a relaxing week in Wrightsville Beach; a nice change of pace from the non-stop work/projects of the last six weeks. Although we are still working on minor projects, our new focus is on weather (our first question when we meet fellow cruisers: where do you get your weather?), navigation, logistics, and anchorages (i.e., where is the best place […]

Making Friends

This past week in Wrightsville Beach has been our first experience with how cruisers interact with each other. Here’s how it works: you get in your dinghy and you motor over to your neighbor’s sailboat and you call out or knock on the hull if they aren’t outside. And then you’re like, “Hey, neighbor! We’re in that boat over there! […]

The Beaufort Debaucle

Explore Beaufort = check Meet fellow cruisers = check Spend a sleepless night at anchor because of the crazy current = check Good weather window = check So, we’re ready to take off for our first night passage from Beaufort to Wrightsville Beach. We plan to be under weigh by 5pm so we start prepping the boat at four o’clock […]

First Night Passage

Im writing from the North Atlantic Ocean!!! A few thoughts on our first night passage. It is 5:30am, I took the first shift from 8 till midnight, Sara took the wheel from midnight til 4:30 am and now I’m back on. We looked for a night that wasn’t too windy to do this passage so that it would be easier. […]