Created the domain name eeeeeep.com
Why eeeeeep.com
Well, it’s a good story.
Our friend Tom introduced us to a funny video. It’s the video of a Desert Rain Frog that puffs up and makes this funny noise when threatened.
Next thing, as we were climbing, Sara got in a spot where she was pretty uncomfortable (scared to death), and reproduced the sound of that tiny frog, which you guessed it, on paper translates into eeeeeep…
It’s been our little noise ever since.
So we spent a whole evening brainstorming for a website name but couldn’t come up with anything that we both really liked. We decided to call it a night and get ready for bed. I reminded Sara that there was nothing holding us back anymore now that we sold the house, to which she replied: Eeeeeep, and there it was! Eeeeeep.com
Hi Stephane. In New Mexico, Los Alamos hast Du uns Deinen Kontakt an unser RV gemacht. Wir haben uns riesig über eine Nachricht von einem Swiss Guy gefreut :-)))))
Wir haben unser WOMO verschifft und touren 1 Jahr durch USA and Kanada. Im Moment geniessen wir das Abenteuer in Moab. Toll was ihr alles schon erlebt und gemacht habt ! Wir sind übrigens die M&M’s :-))) (S&S)
Vielleicht kreuzen sich unsere Wege nochmals. Wünschen Dir und Deiner Family all the best.
Grüsse Manuela & Mike