13. La Famille Hefti
Winter fun in Pagosa Springs

Winter fun in Pagosa Springs

Thursday afternoon we hit the road north for Pagosa Springs, CO. Our friends the Regeles have a condo in PS and invited us up for the weekend for some adventures in the snow.

Stéphane and Jonathan met up with Tom in Silverton for a day of ice climbing.
Tom & Jonathan.
Snowy footprints mark the morning’s hike to the climb.
The boys play in the San Juans. A beautiful (cold) day.
In the mountains.
Stéphane on lead.
All smiles 🙂
On the sharp end.
Stéphane bringing up Tom & Jonathan.
All smiles: my mountain man in his happy place.
Beautiful sunset drive home to Pagosa.
Adventure de-brief (note bloody knee).
The next day Tom and I look for some ice to climb (to no avail, so we skied with the gang instead).
First turns in eight or so years!
The next day we headed up to Wolf Creek Pass for a day of skiing – and Hugo’s very first day on the slopes!
Ready to go! Point me to the magic carpet!
Stéphane working with Hugo in the bunny slope.
Fun time with Uncle Tom.
Hugo had a great first day on skis! I enjoyed getting back on my skis after…seven, eight years?! Just like riding a bike 😉
Lunch at Wolf Creek Pass with 3/5 of the Regeles (Laura & Alexander were still ripping it up).
Fun day @ Wolf Creek.
A great day!
A wonderful weekend with the Regeles – thank you for sharing your lovely condo with us! We had a great winter wonderland adventure weekend with you!! Here’s a cool shot of the view from the back of the condo – Pagosa Peak in all her glory.

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