13. La Famille Hefti
Happy Birthday to Bug-Zilla & Daniel-son!

Happy Birthday to Bug-Zilla & Daniel-son!

Both Stéphane and my little brother Dan share the same birthday, August 20th. I love that these two amazing men in my life share this day but also that they share a wonderful friendship. It makes my heart glad. So here’s to my sweet Bug-Zilla and Daniel-son- happy birthday!!

To my bike mechanic, tech consultant, belay bear (“keep me tight!”), roofer, tiler, deck-maker, chef extraordinaire, boat-heli-plane-Gruffalo captain; patient, loving father; supportive, sweet husband. From your first mate, trail partner and number one cheerleader: happy birthday! I may not be as fast, strong, or crafty as you, but I will always be, well, there. Here’s to another year of hard work and hard play. Let’s do this!! I love you.
Brother – Happy Birthday!
From battling Pete when we were little to the silly pre-navy hippie years; look at you now! A successful career, an amazing woman at your side – life looks good on you bro! I’m proud of all of your accomplishments but I’m most proud that you are who you are: a good man. You did good, brotha. See you soon and next time it’s my turn to push a bike with you at 12,000 feet! Start trainin’!
p.s. “A” word …
@ Red Rock Arroyo before “the crazy climb”
Giving Hugo a lift @ Pat & Kim’s compound – Uncomphagre Plateau
Hike-a-bike w/Dan – Creede, CO
Bayo Canyon overlook
Chef extraordinaire.
Winter 2019/2020. Looking for ice.
Just chillin’
After putting up a super fun route in Dolores Canyon.
He rides hard.
Hike on local Los Alamos trail. We like our colors 🙂
They like to ride 🙂
Last full Hefti family photo! Switzerland, August 2018.
Dirtbiking: it’s all Hugo wants to do now.
I leave him along for only one hour to go on a trail run – and look at what happens!
Rides are always free.
Teaching Hugo to ski – first time on skis @ Wolf Creek, CO. December 2019.
He works hard.
He plays hard. Silverton backcountry. December 2019
Epic ride with Dan. Creede, CO. November (?) 2019
Haka race in Santa Fe.
Giant cairn
A brief moment of us time. Playa del Carmen, Mexico – January 2020. (Hugo was on the dock looking at fish, I swear we only took our eyes off him for three seconds).
Fun times adventuring with the Missanas! Albuquerque
Missanas in Mine. Silverton, CO
Stéphane had the awesome opportunity to fly WITH his sister while she was visiting the states! Silvia is a cardiac nurse in Switzerland.
Joyeux Anniversaire, Stéphane!!!
Joyeux Premier Août!
Happy birthday to my number one. I love you always. Here’s to more adventures, hard work, and hard play in the upcoming year. Let’s make it a great year!!

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