17. Wyoming
A few summer weeks in The Mitten

A few summer weeks in The Mitten

Carrying the physical contents of our lives, each carefully wrapped, strapped, and boxed, the UHaul growls to life, takes a final slow roll down Porthole Place, a left onto Mainsail, and from there West to Wyoming.

Stephane leaves in the early hours of the morning to begin ticking off the 2,000+ miles between Suffolk and Lander. Hugo and I stay behind to wrap up the loose ends – cleaning and loading down the truck with items for our transitional time: a few weeks in Michigan followed by the Wyoming Question Mark (can we find a house before we get to Wyoming? Will we get a rental? Live in a camper? What will it be like there? Do I pack warm or cold clothes or both? And most importantly, where are my cowboy boots?)

A few days later, also in those wee morning hours, I snug Hugo up in his nest in the backseat, give Dan and Jess tight hugs goodbye (see you soon hugs, not goodbye hugs), fire up the truck and point her North to Trombley Headquarters.

And just like that, our short but intense time in Virginia is done. This brief chapter brought us so much joy, camaraderie, excitement and hope for the future with our best friends.

We’ll be seeing you soon D&J!! xo

After twelve hours on the road, Hugo the road-trip-warrior and I pull onto Lange Street and call it day. What a pleasure to be home after all this time.

We enjoyed many evenings on the deck out back @ Trombley Headquarters. Euchre, sparklers, and firepit fun.
Trying out Keith’s pasties @ Urbanrest. Keith’s and his business partner have been running their food truck, Motor City Pasty Co., for five year now!
Woody’s Hot Dogs! Woody sells hot dogs on a busy corner in downtown Saginaw during the week and comes out to sell his goodies on Lake St. Helen on the weekends. A great day at Sadie’s Landing (Lake Two).
Enjoying the campfire, company, and fabulous views from Pete & Ryan’s vacation rental – what a beautiful spot! Right between Lake One and Lake Two.
Good to be back at the cottage after being away for too long! That view never gets old.
Thumbs up! Happy to be home for a visit and to catch up with family.
Meanwhile, out West…

Stephane successfully delivers our belongings to Wyoming and meets us in Michigan where we purchase our new home:

The Grizz! Home is where we park her.

After many fun family gatherings, and a few projects completed on the Grizz and truck, we are ready to hit the road and discover what Wyoming is all about! A few more goodies from our visit to Michigan:

Dinner at Jeff & Carrie’s.
Hugo’s first putt-putt (he LOVED it).
Uncle Pete teaching Hugo how to drive the pontoon boat.
Enjoying some books on the front porch.
Canoeing around Lake One
Thank you mom and dad! For housing us, feeding us, and for all the fun evenings, euchre games, and chats. We can’t wait for you to come visit!! We love you.

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