01: Preparing for the voyage



We have been reading about and looking at photos of the Westsail 32 since the start. But words and photos are one thing and getting ON an actual WS 32 is something entirely different – we want to see what one is like for REAL!

While visiting family in Michigan this month, I posted a message on the Westail Owners Association page asking if there was anyone in the Detroit area that might have a WS 32 and be willing to show us. Later that evening, Tyler from Racine, WI extended an intivitation to us to come out and see his WS 32. While we were super grateful for the invite, Racine is a bit far for a day trip so we had to decline.

The next day, Bud Taplin emailed us with contact information for Charlie, a WS 32 owner in Michigan. And wouldn’t you believe it – his WS 32 was on the hard at Jefferson Beach Marina – a mile down the road from parents house! We got in touch with Charlie who garciously invited us to check out his WS 32, Antares. That morning we got the full tour and also got to watch Antares get put into the water for the season. Charlie invited us to join him as he motored Antares over to the marina next door.

Charlie is a super salty sailor! He has sailed all over the world and is so knowledgeable. Stephane asked him question after question and really took advantage of being able to pick his brain. This was almost as good, if not better, than being able to see a Westsail: being able to talk to someone who has been out there and done it and who can give us advice and tell us their thoughts. Charlie was so generous with his time and we are SO appreciative.

Impressions after seeing Antares:
1. We are still in love with the Westsail 32.

2. Our previous thoughts on how sturdy, solid, and safe of a boat she is have been further reinforced.

3. The galley was REALLY small but do-able.

4. I don’t think we’d go any smaller but I think the size would be just perfect for the two of us.

5. We have NO IDEA how to sail a cutter…well, add it to the list of things we’ll be learning as we go!

6. The cockpit was really small (which is what you want in a bluewater boat, but we like the idea of being able to stretch out and sleep in it and not sure we’d be able to do that in a Westsail).

Charlie showing us the manual windlass.
View of the cockpit – notice how the cockpit sole flips up allowing great access to the engine.



The v-berth.



Lots of storage and the port lights are solid – brass not plastic like we’ve seen on some boats.


The galley. We could work with this.


Charlie & Stephane


It’s a tank.



2 thoughts on “Antares

    • Author gravatar

      Galley won’t be too small if you just order Chinese take-out.
      Hope you won’t need Eeeeeep too often on the trip.
      Very nice web site. I wouldn’t know where to begin.
      Just in case things get dull don’t forget to take a lot of condoms.


    • Author gravatar

      Well, my only thought about the boat is find one with the biggest freezer for food 🙂 and bring sea bands 🙂 Love you and am so excited you get your adventure!

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