About us (original)
We are sure it will be challenging, scary at times, frustrating and tiring. But we are also sure it will be exhilirating, eye-opening and memorable. We are ready to be tested and ready to be salty sailors!
We have been planning for a year and half: reading through blogs, books and cruising forums; listening to sailing podcasts; looking at countless boats for sale online; working hard and saving hard. But the most fun part of it all so far has been just talking with each other about this new world of which we will soon be a part.
We live in Colorado but will be starting our adventure somewhere on the east coast and heading down to the Caribbean.
We both love rock climbing and ice climbing and Sara loves to trail run. We’re hoping to find some rocks to climb and trails to run along the way.
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—— Update: ——
We had an amazing sailing adventure! In eight short months we bought a sailboat, fixed her up, learned how to sail, met some most excellent people, sailed to and explored some amazing places, and sold our boat. The plan is to move back to Montrose – we’ll see if we can make it work with jobs. The adventure continues – on land!
Email: sara.c.hefti@gmail.com and sthefti@gmail.com
What a wonderful adventure! best of luck! please add me to your elist 🙂
Yeah! Thanks Kirk! Exciting times!!
Hey Stephane! Great talking to you today and I like this blog! Jess and I will be following the adventures of both of you! Rock on :-))
Good luck! We have a room for you to stay in PA! Let us know!!
Thanks Melissa!!
Have fun !! We already miss seeing you around. From the BCJC crew…
Hello Stef and Sara, it looks like Free Range is going to be your next appartment! Good luck and nice trip. See you next.
Free Range is the most perfect, portable apartment one could ask for! We are really enjoying our new life so far 🙂
Wishing u smooth sailing I finally got out of the eighties and got my first phone i will be following your most amazing adventure love u both be safe have fun:)
NO WAY Aunt Shelley! A cell phone?!? What???? Congrats 🙂 So good seeing your post on our blog today! We just got into Beaufort, NC and are relaxing in the boat after the day’s journey. Tomorrow we will check out Beaufort and then tomorrow evening we may take off for our first night sail in the Atlantic! HUGS to you and Uncle Ant and to Ant Jr and Chris! Love you!!!!
Great meeting you and great tour of the boat – Free Range will take care of you! Hope to meet up more as we all travel south and leave the winter behind us!
bob and anne sv BALOO
PS We have DVDs you can borrow when it is blowing 35 knots this weekend and you need some diversion.
As you travel along, is it possible to also post the mile markers for the various locations? That way we can see exactly how many miles you are traveling per leg and in total
Janet, that’s a great idea! I will see if we can somehow add that to our trip map!
Hey kids, did you ever get a chance to check out the scuba stuff on board? Rumor has it that if you’re not certified, there are “crash” courses available at some of the larger ports of call (crash may have been a poor choice of words?). Considering a $25 burger, how much could it cost???
Hi Sara and Stephane, I’m finally here and just read your latest with plans to catch up. Just know my mind and heart have been with you; you two should do what those said things direct you to do with no regrets.
Peace, Keith
Yeah! Glad to see you on eeeeeep! Yep, we did it! Now we’re ready for something new; ready for land again! See you in September for Imogene?!?!?!
So have you finally landed stateside? Did you sell the boat yet?
Yep, back in the states now. Free Range is sold.
Hi Guys its Scott from the Toyota store back in Troy MI . I was thinking about you 2 last week and found your card in my desk . It looks like you guys are doing good from all the photos .
Hi Scott!!! So great to hear from you and glad you checked out the blog!