14. Land of Enchantment


“Hugo-stones”: Those milestones that Hugo reaches that are worthy of sharing (the fun, more quirky ones – because do you really care when he first ate with a spoon?)

Two fun ones yesterday:

March 22, 2018:

Hugo’s first attempt at climbing a fence. I demonstrated the proper technique and he was way interested in trying it out. Need to work on foot placement but a good first effort!

Hugo’s first “trail run” – maybe 100 feet, but he was on a trail (Kwage Mesa Trail) and he was MOVING!! I would almost call it a trail sprint. The little guy is fast.

I suppose this one is worthy of sharing too:

December 7, 2017- took first steps.

April 26, 2018 (dad’s birthday!): started potty training.

Look mom- no diapers (ever again)!!!!

Day 3 of TT: first pee in the potty! There is hope…

May 28, 2018: he finally climbed out of his crib. Stéphane removed the front so Hugo is now sleeping in a “big boy” bed.

I’ll add more here as they occur.

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