13. La Famille Hefti
Parting is such sweet sorrow

Parting is such sweet sorrow

Good night grippy rocks of Las Conchas, rising above the chattering East Fork creek. Thank you for all the fun climbs and social times; cold water rushing over bare feet, sweaty fingertips sliding off polished rock; flip flops clacking down the easy ramblin’ trail. One-armed push-ups on the footbridge; first leads.

Hugo’s first “climb”. Our first visit to Las Conchas (July 2017)
Sara on Pumping Huecos.
Hugo pulling through the crux.
October 2017
Dan at Garden Wall
An afternoon at Las Conchas, showing Mami and Papi “the ropes” (the even climbed!) (October 2017)
Mama gives it a shot
Building cairns and damns in the East Fork with Hugo & Bradley. (June 2020)
Hugo impresses Aunt Jess with his one-armed push ups. (June 2020)

Sleep tight, Las Conchas.

Good night San Antonio Hot Springs. I have lost count of the times we’ve hiked, biked, run, and driven that final, bumpy five-mile stretch to come see you. We will miss your warm pools, hail storms, quiet solitude (on a rare occasion) and (more often) camaraderie amongst fellow spring-visitors. Your hot waters soothed and views of the rock faces opposite you stoked curiosity and desire to explore; I swear we could have climbed them.

Sleep tight, San Antonio Hot Springs.

Good night Red Rock Arroyo. I will miss you more than any other place. You saw Hugo grow from a baby to a boy. You were witness to me leading way outside of my comfort zone; the giant rattlesnake, the making of many shadow creatures against our nightly cave campfire, night-time Yahtzee games; a Vick’s Peak attempt on Pete’s birthday (thwarted by the deep snow); the time Myra found the half-decomposed deer head and chewed on it nonstop (and the next time; we tried to hide it but she found it again). Every day filled with climbing in the sun (and sometimes wind) and enjoying the solitude of the New Mexican wilderness. Of all the places I’d like to go to “one last time” in New Mexico, it’d be here.

Getting ready for a day of climbing
Hugo hangin’ out.
Camper from above.
A boy and his dog.
Hiking up for a view.
The cave
Nice climb!
The annual Red Rock Arroyo photo. No one’s cooperating.

Sleep tight, Red Rock Arroyo.

Good night my sweet local trails. Thank you for providing me instant solitude, for always challenging, and for giving me the feeling of wildness, even while in town. What a pleasure to spend time sweating, falling, hurting, smiling, and pushing myself on your steepness. I even did it on a bike once or twice 🙂 Stéphane transformed himself on your trails, in more ways than one. Hugo learned to ride a bike during our time here, and came to love and hate your turns and climbs.

Tour de Sewer
Chile Line Express – a big day of biking with Sean. 50+ miles from Pajarito to Abiquiu.
Stéphane’s big mountain bike adventure, from Durango to Moab in six days. What an epic.
Biking with my honey up in the Jemez
The infamous Chile Line Express; in search of “the meadow”
Hiking in Bayo Canyon
Completing the Three Bears > Cabra route. Well done!
At Kwage Overlook

Sleep tight, Three Bears, and you too Cabra. Don’t let the bed bug bite, Pajarito Trail and Guaje Ridge.

Good Night Casa Uva, our Los Alamos gem of a home. You were a diamond in the rough, but Stéphane was able to polish you up. We leave you shiny, fresh, and ready for your new owners. You were a lot of work but you were fun. Thank you for the amazing views, for providing us a place to make memories, make laughter; to work hard, to play hard, and to raise our son for a few years.

So many wonderful dinners with family and friends.
We painted, and painted and painted.
Air time.
Joyeux Premier Aôut!
Stéphane working on one of many, many Casa Uva project.
Hugo in his “big boy bed”
So many wonderful views from the living room – winter snow, deer snacking on grass in the early morning, countless sunrises from my office desk.
The amazing deck after all of Stéphane’s hard work.

Sleep tight, Casa Uva. Thank you for keeping us safe and warm and surrounding us with such natural beauty; for letting us transform you, for all of the enjoyment you provided. May your new owners enjoy your odd spaces and quirkiness just as much as we did.

Good night Erin & Randy and little Caylynn. Erin, I will miss our playground and wine dates, and Cowboy Breakfasts; I will miss your impromptu drive-bys on Sunday mornings; Sammies and brews at Boese, pizza and chill time at Casa Uva; games and chill time at your place.

Sleep tight Warrens. Enjoy your new digs, keep each other close, and know we are only ever just a phone call away. We love you.

Good night, Regeles. Here’s to our fun getaways- ice climbs in Lake City, and skiing and snow fun in Pagosa Springs; dinners and a few date nights! Laura, thank you for welcoming Hugo into your home and giving him fun-filled days with you and your boys. Oh, and that damned, beloved drift bike – it’s got about 1000 more miles on it since you gifted it to him; the hit of the neighborhood here :).

Lake City, post ice climbing
Wolf Creek Pass

Sleep tight, Regeles. We’ll be seeing ya down the road, I do not doubt. Take good care in the meantime. Much love.

Good night, my dear Holmses. Such a short but sweet time we had together. We were so engrossed with sharing stories of our sailing adventures and mishaps that we never paused to take a photo together! So I’ll leave a blank space below and fill it in with a photograph from the first adventure we will take together – will it be a Caribbean charter? An adventure in the Swiss Alps? Let’s find out …!

Sleep tight, dear friends.

Good Night Tom and Pam. Who would have thought that a saucy Cajun and his pretty redhead wife would end up our Los Alamos besties? Countless games of euchre; Tomahawk steaks, Clyde Maes, muffulettas, fondues, and many other wonderful meals shared together. Bike rides, travel slide shows, morning window-waves, endless conversations and stories.

Sleep tight, friends. We look forward to our next meal shared together, wherever that may be. And Tom, I do believe that you and I left the stage as the Reigning Euchre Champions.

Good Night Classic Family: Keith, Rachel, Nikki, Kevin. Good Night Ivan, Geoff, Danielle. Good Night Jason – keep them safe. Good night Patrick. Keep working hard, staying safe, and being the good people that we know and love.

Sleep tight, crew. May our paths meet again one day.

Good Night Los Alamos, parting is such sweet sorrow. For now, we head off to the next adventure and close the chapter on our time in northern New Mexico. We will forever hold dear our friends, memories, and times spent in this special place.

5 thoughts on “Parting is such sweet sorrow

    • Author gravatar

      😭 we miss you!!!!!!!

    • Author gravatar

      Bravo Sara! Quelle belle révérence pour ce chapitre de votre vie. Ces photos représentent vraiment tout le bonheur que Los Alamos vous a apporté. Hugo y a fait ses premiers pas, escalades, brasses et glissades en ski : bravo à vous pour ce bonheur en famille. Nous vous souhaitons que le meilleur pour ce nouveau chapitre en Virginie. A tout bientôt 😘

      • Author gravatar

        Merci Silvia!! Nous Los Alamos manqueons mais nous sommes prêtes pour Virginie et pour beaucoup des temps et mémoires avec Dan et Jess. Nous VOUS manqueons! Gros bisous!!

    • Author gravatar

      Love this NM (and points beyond) Travelogue. We have explored many of the same places, though always with our feet on the ground. Several summers there as a family carved a permanent place in our hearts for this beautiful and diverse state and, as is the case for the Myavecs, I imagine that will remain the case for the Heftis. So now, onward! Where in VA?

      • Author gravatar

        Mrs. My,
        Yes! The New Mexico wilderness and its mountains will forever remain in our hearts. We are in Suffolk, Virginia (just outside Norfolk). Happy New Year!!

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