15. Switzerland 2018
Climbing and Hiking and Cows – Oh My! (Switzerland 2018)

Climbing and Hiking and Cows – Oh My! (Switzerland 2018)

After bending you over and shaking all the money out of your pockets, the airlines so graciously allow you two checked bags, 50 pounds or less. One of our two bags was filled completely with climbing gear and the other we managed to stuff three weeks’ worth of clothes for Stéphane, Hugo and myself AND a drone that we’d purchased as a present for our nephews, Anthony and Thierry.

Determined to get good use out of the gear, we took the Missanas climbing one afternoon soon after we’d arrived in Switzerland. Stéphane ordered two really great climbing books on the local area and so we had many options to choose from. We decided upon La Tuffières, just a short drive from Neyruz and a short approach. We assemble at the trailhead and hike in together, excited to show Anthony and Thierry how to climb and enjoying just being together. Well, no sooner had Stéphane made it to the top of the anchors but the sky opened up and let LOOSE. I lowered Stéphane and we gathered our gear as quickly as we could, scooped up Hugo, and high-tailed it back to the car. We were all absolutely drenched and completely giddy about it. No climbing on this day but smiles all around nonetheless. It’s good to be with family.


One afternoon we went to the local ski hill, La Berra, with Matthieu and his son, Adrien. The lift runs all summer for hikers to access the backcountry and for downhill bikers.
View from the lift: Lake Gruyères in the background. The Missanas live just on the other side of the lake.
Nearing the top of the lift- getting good views of the surrounding mountains.
At the top of the lift, one is met with many options for trails and directions in which to head off. We chose to go to the top of La Bera for the spectacular 360 view. Hugo leads the way!
Matthieu and Adrien pose with some of The Happiest Cows on Earth near the top of La Berra.
The boys throwing rocks at the summit.
Mountains for days.
I take off for a little trail run and meet the boys at a mountain hut for some lunch.
If you are hiking a long distance through the mountains, you can stay at huts like these, in rooms like this.
Hugo outside the hut.


Climbing in a magical forest filled with fairies just outside Charmey.
Lots of stuff to climb in the forest.
Hitting up the playground in Charmey on our way back home.


Trails and hiking paths are so accessible and prevalent in Switzerland. A short walk down the road from Mami and Papi’s house is a little forest trail which then leads into fields and loops you back into town. It’s a great route for an after-dinner stroll.
Hugo loves his apples.
Corn fields and rolling hills.
Early evening hike.
Hiding in the corn.


More happy cows with sweet-sounding bells jangling around their necks.

Stéphane and Hugo spent the day on Île des Osseous with Anthony and Thierry, Silvia, Stéphane (Silvia’s husband’s name is Stéphane also), and the Barts – Gaïlle, Laurent and Loïc.

Lake Gruyères.



Stéphane celebrated his 38th birthday while we were there.

Happy birthday, my love-bug! Finally the same age as me (for a little bit, at least).
Birthday dinner under the weeping willow with a very good wine from Stéphane’s (and my) birth year.
Raise a glass!

2 thoughts on “Climbing and Hiking and Cows – Oh My! (Switzerland 2018)

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