01: Preparing for the voyage
Endless Acronyms

Endless Acronyms


This is a post that Sara wrote in October of 2014. I noticed that it never got published and thought it deserved to be on here!


It’s raining today so I’m working on the computer trying to get our MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity). It’s like a phone number for your boat (you need one if you will be sailing internationally).

We have to get our MMSI from the FCC. In order to start the process, you must get an FRN (FCC Registration Number) through CORES (COmmission REgistration System). Once you have your FRN, you can then log in to ULS (Universal Licensing System) to start the application process for the MMSI.

Say what?

Yesterday I worked on getting Hull Insurance (through IMIS) and Health Insurance (through HCC).

(that’s Sailing Vessel Free Range OUT).

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